Saturday, February 14, 2009

Day of Hearts

I have no dinner date to go to, no flowers to receive, no sweet nothings to hear. But I am not sad today because I have my family and friends who made my life meaningful and beautiful.

I am thankful for my family and friends for all the moments we have shared: for listening, talking, laughing, inspiring and caring. Today is just another day of letting them know how much I appreciate them in my life.


Anonymous said...

Happy Valentine's Day to you :-)

Beautiful heart shaped flowers. Very fitting for the day!

Lesley said...

Lovely post. I think our family and friends should be cherished more than anyone. Happy Valentine's Day! :)

Dan said...

Happy Valentine's Day, Searching Soul. Nice usual.

chemist said...

Searching Soul:

Sadly I too was alone on Valentine's Day but at least you were at home-sweet-home! I spent my Valentine's Day having to travel on yet another trans-Atlantic flight (yawn!). Anyhoo, hope your day went well. And as you say, family and friends are what count most in this short life!

Traveling Chemist

Amritorupa Kanjilal said...

i think that's the nicest way to spend valentines day...