Saturday, March 14, 2009

Of Work and Travel

I must admit that my work has taken its toll on my blog. It's not that I ran out of thoughts to post. It's because I am too tired to process everything. This pressure-packed, fast-paced career serves stress for breakfast, deadlines for lunch, "more things to do" for dinner and anxiety for dessert. Of course, this is an exaggerated description of my corporate life. I am just making an outrageous excuse for not posting regularly.

My blog is my refuge: it gives me back my sanity. I need to keep updating it.

My work is my way of life. Travel is very much a part of it and I love it.

In my weekly business trips to different places - by plane, by land and even by sea, I always ask myself: What have I learned? Was I able to make a difference to those I've met? What am I going to take home and share to others?

Travel is an excellent teacher. I am always a different person when I go home. Tired but not spent. Gaining pleasant experiences or otherwise, I always consider myself fortunate. So lucky to take with me the good ones; much luckier to leave behind the bad ones.

Next week, I will be in another place again. Meetings, field works, business reviews ...all in a day's work, but I would say this is no longer work but a way of living . I see it as another opportunity to touch people's lives, wake up their dormant potentials and show them the way to their dreams.

I guess I am becoming more of a leader than just a manager now. Maybe blogging has helped me discover this or maybe travel has made me this.

Saturday, March 7, 2009


Life is about endless journey, from one road to another, from one bridge to the next, from a tunnel to the light.

"Go towards the light." That's what is said to someone who is about to leave the earthly world, in the hope of guiding them and assuring that the passage to the next realm is smooth and peaceful.

"A light at the end of the tunnel..." that's what most people hope when they go through the darkest abyss of human experience. Hopeful that it is not the light of an incoming train.

For me, tunnels are routes to take to go through a seemingly insurmountable mountain obstacle in life's journey. Dark, dank and daunting... but always exhilarating experience once you made it through.